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Events, Master Class Programs, and Services

As a spiritual practitioner, I am able to use my skills to help others with issues in their lives and their businesses. As an entrepreneur, I am able to provide others with the knowledge and techniques that I have learned throughout the 15 years of managing my own successful company.

As a spiritual practitioner, my goal is to combine spiritual techniques with pragmatic techniques in order to provide you with the most holistic consultation possible.



Rev. Tyra has extensive experience and qualifications in the following disciplines:

Self Love Bootcamp Session- "Fix Me First"

Deepen your relationship with yourself, amplify your self-worth and self-trust, and cultivate a life that Loves you and enjoys life, because LIFE LOVES YOU.  Learn how to forgive yourself, first. and know you are the most important person here. The self-love Bootcamp is created to provide you with an extra layer of support, and a deeper level of healing, and this masterclass aims to meet you exactly where you are and provide you with radiant love and inspiration to keep you company on your path.  It's essential to have a solid foundation of knowing and understanding who you are, and what matters most to you.

Self-Love Coaching: (my favorite & specialty)

The Self Love Bootcamp master class Method is a 21-day to 13 Week Coaching program it is designed to work on Self Love,  and for deep emotional inner work. This is an awesome program that will teach you, how to break through your own personal fears and money blocks. Learn how to realign with your innermost higher spiritual self and let go of your limiting beliefs rooted in fear and failure so you can start manifesting more of a happy and abundant life, so if your ready click here to register 




Have you Hugged yourself Today: Do that NOW! 

Angelic Spiritual  Readings & Life Coaching Sessions

Love,  Career, and Purpose readings advise on all matters of life and answer

* Angel Card Reading  $79.99 for all your personal? answered  $79.99 30min. session
*  Receive Messages From The Angels
*  Receive Confirmation to Your Questions
*  Set Goals and Increase Your Connection with The Angels

*  Learn the name of your Guardian Angel

    1 Session  $ 79.99

    2 Session-$150.00  Monday & Friday

    4 Session-$310.00  (2) Tuesday & (2) Thursday

a $10.00 savings on multiple sessions


Gift: Angel Journal Notebook with Angel pen.





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​With the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and overworked. It often feels like there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient, and frustrated. It can even affect our health. We are often so busy we feel there is no time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives you more time by making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or fifteen-minute breathing meditation as I will teach in my meditation session can help you to overcome your stress and find some inner peace and balance.

Meditation can also help us to understand our own minds. We can learn how to transform our minds from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, and from unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of the transforming meditations found in the Buddhist tradition. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy throughout the day, not just while seated in meditation


Meditation Session.

1 Hour is $79.00 for mid-beginners

3-day training 1 hour a day= $225.00       

For total beginners- Recieve a special gift when register for this Master Class


    To Register for this program 



Whether you realize it or not, you are always manifesting your reality.

In every moment, through your vibration, your thoughts, your beliefs, and intentions, you are creating your life experience… When you start creating your life experience SPIRITUALLY.

All things are possible!   (2 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ (in spirit), he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new.)



To Register for this program : 



Knowing your Spiritual Self -Spiritual Cleansing Sessions 

What is Spiritual Cleansing?  (John 4:24 God is spirit, and you must pray in Spirit and in truth.”)

Spiritual cleansing is knowing and connecting with your spiritual self. It's not only about cleansing dense energies, negativity, and blockages from your mind, body, and spirit…

It is the process of breaking through old and outdated energies and patterns, releasing them into the light, so you can elevate your personal vibration to ride the wave of love, positive change, and new spiritual energy into the future.  If you’re like most people, you will feel a profound sense of love the very first time you heard guided meditations. You will actually feel and experience your spiritual life being restored, and your energy is elevated in vibration.

As soon as you turn to your powerful, spiritual self with the help of God, Angels, and the guided direction through me, you will see just how quickly they work to cleanse, and elevate the vibration of your body, mind, and spirit. They will even work to cleanse your home, office, and other spaces as well.







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Relationship Coaching:

Help Couples or Groups Find Common Ground 

Our relationship coaching platform provides the most comprehensive training in the industry. As a result, we've helped over 100's of couples go on with happy relationships and wonderful life together.   These are just a few issues that we address with success to save their marriage and couple relationships. â€‹



You will work on:

*How to rebuild broken trust 

*How to deal with "I don't love you anymore"

*How to get over the past

*How to forgive and be forgiven

*How to avoid a separation

*How to reconnect with your spouse

*How to stop a divorce

*Plus Marriage Assessments and so much more.  




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Have you ever felt like something just isn’t quite right with your mind and body? I’m not talking about something altogether noticeable like a headache or an upset stomach, but rather a much more subtle feeling that you’re just not quite running at 100%?

This feeling is actually quite normal, and yet, for the most part, it’s ignored. This is a mistake.

If this sounds familiar to the way you’re feeling, don’t just ignore it. Instead, keep reading!… I’m going to share some information on chakras with you that might just help put you on a path to a more vibrant and even healthier life.


Learn more by clicking on the register for this class, to get more information. If this sounds like what you have been going through, You will be able to register for this class and bring balance back into your life by balancing your 7 dynamic Chakras. 





Our Lady Queen of Angels 1 Church of Metaphysical Christianity.  An online Church of Love & Unity


Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Angels1 E- Church. We are happy you are here!   At the center of the faith of Christ Awakenists, is a deep and abiding understanding that we are created in the very image of God, and that each of us is a divine idea in the mind of God. This understanding of truth comes by one being fully involved in the inner process of AWAKENING which comes completely from an encounter with God's living Christ. (God's perfect idea of HIMSELF in you). 


Together, let us get to know Christ better and make Him better known. 

To become a registered member, please go to

There are many ways to get more involved in our church. If you'd like to learn more about our programs please call the Love line at 757 367-5355.  or email:  On behalf of our Angelic staff here at Our Lady Queen of Angels1, we welcome you, and are grateful for your desire to become a part of our family and hope that you find everything you need.


Click here to go to the Church:






















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